I was ready to
create my own
blueprint for success
Hi, I’m Serwaa! I love to talk about all things at the intersection of entrepreneurship, business growth and motherhood.
From monetizing your expertise, to meal prepping a month in advance, I share it all on Instagram, my pdodcast and blog.
After working my way up to the vice-president level, most people assumed I would be a lifer at Goldman Sachs!
At the age of 32, and with two little kids, I decided to take the leap into entrepreneurship.
My superpower is helping women hone in on their expertise and monetize it within the framework of an airtight business!
Two years later, that leap has led me to be a trusted strategist to CEOs running multi 6 and 7 figure businesses. My podcast platform reaches thousands and has surrounded me with a network of phenomenal boss women.
Today, you will find our little family navigating our new normal at home while taking every opportunity to explore the world.


did we just become business besties?
I want to see you win! Not sure what your next staps should be? Let’s start with a Clarity call.